Makalah Pemanasan Global | Penyebab Utama dan Dampak Terjadinya Pemanasan Global serta Cara Menanggulanginya..!!

Sahabat Adin Blog yang berbahagia. kali ini penulis akan membahas mengenai makalah yang sedang banyak dicari oleh pembaca yang masih bergelut di dunia pendidikan, dan inilah salah satu Contoh Makalah Pemanasan Global yang saya buat yang lagi banyak dicari itu, mudah-mudahan bisa mendatangnya sebuah ide bagi anda yang sedang membutuhkan informasi mengenai point-point penting yang harus ada pada pembahasan makalah tersebut.
Mari kita simak pembahasan tuntasnya dibawah ini :



1.1 Latar Belakang
Pemanasan global merupakan peningkatan suhu rata-rata di bumi. Seperti, peningkatan suhu rata-rata atmosfer, laut dan daratan bumi. Pemanasan global disebabkan oleh efek gas-gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan oleh aktifitas manusia.
Karena adanya pemanasan global suhu di planet bumi menjadi semakin panas, makin banyaknya bencan alam dan berbagai fenomena-fenomena alam yang cenderung semakin tidak terkendali.

1.2 Permasalahan 
Didalam isi karya tulis yang kami susun ini telah kami ambil beberapa masalah, yaitu kami ingin mengatahui dampak pemanasan global secara mendasar. Masalah tersebut kami rangkum dalam beberapa hal, yaitu :
1. Aapa yang dimaksud pemanasan global?
2. Apa penyebab terjadinya pemanasan global?
3. Apa dampak dari pemanasan global terhadap alam?
4. Apa dampak dari pemanasan global pada bidang sosial dan politik?
5. Bagaimana cara pengendalian pemanasan global?

1.3 Tujuan
Tujuan kami membuat karya tulis ini bukan hanya untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas Mata Pelajaran Bahas Indonesia, tetapi masih banyak tujuan lain dari pembuatan karya tulis ini, diantaranya :
1. Dapat menambah wawasan yang lebih luas tentang pemanasan global.
2. Agar kami dan para pembaca pada umumnya dapat mengenal lebih dalam tentang keadaan alam tempat hidupnya.
3. Agar menjadi motivasi bagi kami dan para pembaca untuk menjaga dan menumbuhkan rasa cintanya terhadap alam semesta ini.
4. Dapat menambah pengetahuan disamping pelajaran yang diterima di sekolah.

Inilah Video Power Point Untuk Makalah Pemansan Global / Global Warming


2.1. Definisi Pemanasan Global
Pemanasan global yaitu satu buah proses meningkatnya suhu biasanya atmosfir, laut, &daratan bumi. Suhu kebanyakan global kepada permukaan bumi sudah meningkat nol,74 +nol,180C (1,33 + nol,320F) selagi beberapa ratus terakhir. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) menyimpulkan bahwa “Sebagian gede peningkatan suhu umumnya global sejak pertengahan abad ke 20. Barangkali agung disebabkan oleh meningkatnya fokus gas-gas rumah kaca akibat gerakan manusia lewat dampak rumah kaca. Rangkuman basic ini sudahdikemukakan oleh setidaknya 30 tubuh ilmiah & akademik termasuk juga seluruh akademik sains nasional dari negara-negara G8. Bakal tapi tetap terbanyak sekian banyak ilmuwan ygtak setuju dgn sekian banyak ringkasan yg dikemukakan IPCC tersebut. Model iklim ygdijadikan acuan oleh Proyek IPCC meunjukan suhu permukaan global dapat meningkat 1,1sampai 6,40C (2,nol – 11,50F) antara thn 2020 & 2140. 

Perbedaan angka perkiraan itu disebabkan oleh pemakaian skenario-skenario berlainanmengeani emisi gas-gas rumah kaca terhadap periode akan datang. Juga model-model sensitifitas iklim yg tidak serupa. Biarpun sebagaian gede penelitian terfokus terhadap masamaka thn 2000. Pemanasan & kenaikan muka air laut diperkirakan bakal tetap berlanjutsewaktu lebih dari 1000 th. Meski tingkat emisi gas rumah kaca tak stabil ini mencerminkanbesar nya kapasitas kalor lautan. 

Meningkatnya suhu global diperkitakan dapat menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan lain, seperti naiknyapermukaan air laut, meningkatnya intensitas cuaca yg ekstrim pula perubahan jumlah & pola presipitasi. Akiabat-akibat pemanasan global yg laina yakni terpengaruhnya hasil pertanian, hilangnya gletser & punahnya beragam tipe hewan. 

2.2. Penyebab Pemanasan Global

A. Efek Rumah Kaca
Segala sumber energi yg terdapat di bumi berasal dari matahari, sebagaian gede berbentuk radiasi gelombang pendek. Disaat energi ini tiba di permukaan bumi, dia bakal beralih dari cahaya jadi panas. Permukaan bumi, bakal menyerap sebahagian panas & memantulkan kembali. Sisanya sebahagian dari panas ini berwujud radiasi infra merah, gelombang panjang ke angkasa luar. Tetapi sebahagian panas masih terperangkap di atmosfir akibat menumpuknya gas-gas rumah kaca, antara lain : uap air, karbondioksida, sulfurdioksida, &metana yg menajadi perangkap gelombang radiasi ini. Apabila kondisi ini berjalan tetapmenerus bakal mengakibatkan suhu kebanyakan tahunan konsisten meningkat. 

Bersama makin meningkatkany akonsentrasi gas-gas ini di atmosfir, semakian tidak sedikitpanas yg terperangkap di bawahnya. Bumi sebenarnya sudah lebih panas 330C (590F) dari suhu semulanya. Kalau tak ada resiko rumah kaca suhu bumi cuma -180C sampai es bakalmenutupi semua permukaan bumi. Bakal namun sebaiknya, kalau gas-gas tersebut berlebihan di atmosfir, dapat mengakibatkan pemanasan global. 

B. Umpan Balik
Umpan balik dihasilkannya terhadap disaat penguapan air. Terhadap kasus pemanasan akibat bertambahnya gas-gas rumah kaca, seperti CO2. Pemanasan terhadap walnya bakalmenyebabkan lebih sebanyak uap air yg menguap ke atmosfir. Dikarenakan uapm air sendiriadalah gas rumah kaca. Pemanasan bakal tetap berlanjut & menambah jumlah air di hawahingga tercapainya siuatu kesetimbangan fokus uap air. Umpan balik meningkatkan kandungan air di hawa namun kelembaban industry di udara ndust konstan atau agak menurun, sebab hawa jadi menghangat. Umpan bhalik cuma berdampak dengan cara perlahan dari bawah, awan dapat memantulkan kembali radiasi infra merah ke permukaan, maka dapatmeningkatkan resiko pemanasan. Sebaliknya seandainya dipandang dari atas awan tersebutdapat memantulkan sinar matahari & radiasi infra merah ke angkasa, maka meningkatkandampak pendingin.

C. Variasi Matahari
Variasi yg dihasilkan dari matahari bersama bisa jadi diperkuat oleh umpan balik dari awan. Variasi matahari dapat memanaskan stratosfer. Fenomena variasi matahari dikombinasikanbersama kegiatan gunung berapi, mungkintelah memberikan resiko pemanasan di musim pra ndustry sampai thn 1950. 
Menurut perkiraan Duke University bahwa matahari bisa saja sudah berkontribusi kepada 45-50% peningkatan suhu kebanyakan sewaktu masa 1900-2000 & sebar 25-35% antara th 1980 &2000. 
Menurut sekian banyak peneliti, bahwa variasi matahari cuma mengambil pengaruh mungilpada pemanasan global, adalah seputar nol,07%. 

2.3. Dampak Terhadap Alam

A. Iklim Mulai Tidak Stabil 
Sewaktu pemanasan global, daerah sektor mutlak dari belahan bumi utara dapat memanas lebih dari daerah-daerah lain. Akibatnya gunung-gunung es dapat mencair Masa tnam dapatlebih panjang di sekian banyak ruangan. Suhu kepada periode dingin & tengah malam hridapat cendrung meningkat. Daerah hangat bakal jadi lembab sebab lebih banayak air ygmenguap dari lautan. Kelembapan yg tinggi bakal meningkatkan cuaca hujan. Badai dapatjadi amat sering, air bakal lebih serta-merta menguap dari tanah yg bakal mampumengakibatkan sekian banyak daerah jadi kering. Tidak Hanya itu pun, angin dapat bertiup kencang & cuaca jadi tak terprediksi & lebih ekstrim.

B. Peningkatan Permukan Laut
Diwaktu atmosfer menghangat, lapisan permukaan laut serta bakal menghangat, makavolumenya bakal membesar & menmbahkan permukaan laut. Tinggi permukaan laut diseluruh dunia sudah meningkat 10-25cm (9-10 inchi) tatkala abad ke 20 & ilmuan IPCC memprediksi peningkatan lebih lanjut 9-88cm (4-35inchi) terhadap abad ke 21. Perubahan tinggi laut dapatamat mempengaruhi kehidupan di daerah pantai & sanggup menenggewlamkan sekian banyaknegeri.

C. Suhu Global Cendrung Meningkat 
Sektor selatan kanada, yang merupakan sampel bisa jadi bakal mendapat keuntungan dari lebih tingginya curah hujan & lebih lamanya periode tanam. Dilain pihak, lahan pertanian ropis semi kering di sekian banyak bidang Afrika bisa saja tak bakal tumbuh. Daerah pertanian gurun yg memakai air irigasi dari gunung-gunung yg jauh mampu menderitaseandainya snowpack (kumpulan salju) masa dingin, yg berfungsi yang merupakan reservoir alami, dapat mencair sebelum puncak periode bulan-bulan musim tanam. Tanaman pangan &hutan sanggup mengalami serangan serangga & penyakit yg lebih hebat.

D. Gangguan Ekologi
Hewan tumbuhan jadi makhluk hidup yg susah menghidari dari resiko pemanasan ini, sebabsebagaian gede lahan sudah dikuasai oleh manusia. Dalam pemanasan global, henwancondong buat bermigrasi ke arah kutub atau ke atas pegunungan. Tumbuhan bakal mengubah arah pertumbuhannya, mencari daerah baru sebab habitat lamanya jadi terlampaui hangat.Bakal namun, pembangunan manusia dapat menghalangi perpindahan ini. Spesies-spesies ygbermigrasi ke utara atau ke selatan yg terhalangi oleh kota-kota atau lahan-lahan pertanianbarangkali dapat mati. Sekian Banyak jenis spesies yg tak dapat dengan cara serentakberpindah menuju kutub kemungkinan pun dapat musnah.

2.4. Dampak Sosial dan Budaya
Perubahan cuaca & lautan sanggup mengakibatkan munculnya penyakit-penyakit ygberhubungan dgn panas & nkematian. Temperatur yg panas pula akan menyebabkan tidak berhasil panen maka dapat muncul kelaparan & malnutrisi. Perubahan cuaca yg ekstrim &peningkatan permukaan air laut akibat mencairnya es di kutub utara mampu menyebabkan penyakit yg bersama bencana alam (banjir, badai, & kebakaran) & kematian akibat trauma. Timbulnya bencana alam umumnya disertai bersama perpindahan warga ke tempat-tempat pengungsian, di mana tidak jarang muncul penyakit diare, malnutrisi, difisiensi mikronutrien, trauma psikologis, penyakit kulit & lain-lain. 

Pergeseran ekosistem akan berikan resiko terhadap penyebaran penyakit lewat air. Seperti meningkatnya kejadian demam berdarah lantaran munculnya area (ekosistem) baru utkberkembangbiak. Bersama adanya perubahan iklim ini, sehingga munculah spesies vektor penyakit (eq. Aedes Agipty). Virus, bakteri, plasmodium jadi lebih resisten kepada obat tertentu yg targetnya yakni organisme tersebut. 

diluar itu dapat diprediksi bahwa ada sekian banyak spesies yg dapat punah lantaranperubahan ekosistem. Gradasi lingkungan yg disebabkan oleh pencemaran limbah terhadapsungai serta berkontribusi terhadap waterborne diseases & vektor-vektor diseases. Ditambah serta bersama polusi hawa hasil emisi gas-gas pabrik yg tak terkontrol, bakal berkontribusi kepada penyakit-penyakit saluran pernapasan, seperti asma, alergi, coccidiodomicosys, penyakit jantung & paru kronis, & lain-lain. 

2.5. Pengendalian Pemanasan Global
Pengendalian dilakukan secara mengatasi epek yg dilakukan sambil laksanakan langkah-langkah utk mencegah makin berubahnya iklim terhadap periode depan. Kerusakan ygsempat mampu diatasi bersama beragam trik, contohnya : 
a. Daerah pantai bakal dilindungi dgn dinding & penghalang buat mencegah masuknya air laut. 
b. Pemerintah mampu menopang komune di pantai buat pindah ke daerah yg lebih tinggi. 

Adapun dua trick pendekatan penting utk memperlambat makin bertambahnya gas rumah kaca : 
a. Mencegah karbon dioksida dilepas ke atmosfir dgn menaruh gas tersebut atau komponen karbonnya di ruangan lain. 
b. Mengurangi produksi gas rumah kaca. 

2.6. Cara Menghilangkan Karbon
Trik yg paling enteng utk menghilangkan karbondioksida merupakan bersama memelihara pepohonan & menanam pohon lebih tidak sedikit lagi terutama yg bujang & serta-merta. 

Gas karbon dioksida bisa juga dihilangkan dengan cara cepat. Caranya bersama menyuntikan gas tersebut ke sumur-sumur minyak buat mendorong biar minyak bumi ke luar dari perut bumi. 


Pemanasan global ialah peningkatan suhu umumnya atmosfir, laut & daratan bumi. Penyebabpaling besar pemanasan global ialah resiko gas-gas rumah kaca akibat aktifitas manusia lewatresiko rumah kaca. Pemanasan global teramat berdampak negatif bagi alam semesta ini, seperti naiknya permukaan air laut, meningkatnya intensitas fenomena cuaca yg ekstrim, perubahan jumlah & pola presipitasi, berpengaruhnya hasil pertanian, hilangnya gletser, punahnya bermacam macam kategori hewan & munculnya beraneka penyakit. 
Pemanasan global cuma sanggup dikendalikan dgn kiat mengatasi dampak yg ditimbulkan sambil jalankan langkah-langkah pencegahan, diantaranya : menghilangkan karbondioksida di atmosfir secara menanam & memelihara pepohonan lebih tidak sedikit lagi & mengurangi produksi gas rumah kaca.

  3. 4.
Global Warming Definition
The global warming that is one fruit of the increasing temperature process is usually the atmosphere, Ocean, land & earth. The temperature of the Earth's surface to the global majority already increased zero + zero, ultra-compact to 180 c (1.33 + zero, 320F) while several hundred. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that "Some big increase in global temperature generally since the mid-20th century. The great perhaps caused by the increasing focus of greenhouse gases due to human movement through the greenhouse impact. Summary of basic is sudahdikemukakan by at least 30 scientific bodies including academic & entire academic national science from the G8 countries. The doomed but still the most numerous ygtak scientists agree with the many yg expressed the IPCC summary. Climate models Project by the IPCC reference ygdijadikan meunjukan global surface temperature could rise 1, 1sampai 6, 40 c (2, zero – 11, 50F) between thn 2020 & 2140.
The difference of estimates was caused by usage scenarios berlainanmengeani emissions of greenhouse gases against the period to come. Also models climate sensitivity yg is not similar. While most research is focused towards gede masamaka thn 2000. The heating & rising sea estimated would remain berlanjutsewaktu over 1000 years old. Although the level of greenhouse gas emissions is not stable it mencerminkanbesar its heat capacity of the oceans.
Rising global temperatures diperkitakan can lead to other changes, such as the naiknyapermukaan sea water, increasing the intensity of extreme weather also changes the amount of yg & patterns of precipitation. Akiabat-due to global warming wrote other works namely terpengaruhnya agriculture, the loss of glaciers & punahnya various types of animals.

Causes Of Global Warming
•    The Greenhouse Effect
All energy sources wrote on earth comes from the Sun, most of the short wave radiation-shaped fingers. When this energy arriving at the Earth's surface, he would switch from the light so hot. The surface of the Earth, would absorb part of the heat-reflecting & back. The remaining part of this heat takes the form of infrared radiation, Longwave to outer space. But part of the heat still trapped in the atmosphere due to the pile of greenhouse gases: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, sulfurdioksida & menajadi yg trap this radiation wave. If this condition goes tetapmenerus would result in the most consistent annual temperature increases.
Along with the more meningkatkany akonsentrasi of these gases in the atmosphere, semakian yg sedikitpanas not trapped underneath. The Earth is actually hotter 330 c (590F) from its original temperature. If there is no risk of a greenhouse Earth's temperature to 180 c until free of ice bakalmenutupi all of the Earth's surface. However, we recommend that you designate, if the excessive gases in the atmosphere, can lead to global warming.
•    Feedback
The feedback it generates against him while the evaporation of water. Case against increasing gas-induced warming greenhouse gases, such as CO2. Walnya bakalmenyebabkan against more warming as much as moisture evaporates into the atmosphere wrote. Due to the water sendiriadalah uapm greenhouse gases. Warming would increase the number of continues & hawahingga water siuatu the achievement of equilibrium moisture focus. Feedback increases the moisture content in Eve but the humidity in the air industry ndust constant or declined somewhat, because Eve so it warms. Bhalik bait just impacted by how slowly from below, clouds can reflect infrared radiation back to the surface, then dapatmeningkatkan the risks of warming. On the contrary if seen from above the clouds reflect sunlight & tersebutdapat infrared radiation into space, then the cooling meningkatkandampak.

Solar Variation
Variation resulting from the Sun along with the reply could be amplified by feedback from clouds. Variations of the Sun can heat the stratosphere. The phenomenon of solar variations dikombinasikanbersama activity of volcanoes, mungkintelah gives the risk of warming in the pre season ndustry till thn 1950.
According to estimates of Duke University that the Sun could have already contributed to the 45-50% increase in the temperature of the most during the period 1900-2000 & 25-35% spread between th 1980 & 2000.

According to many researchers, that the variations of the Sun just took mungilpada's influence on global warming, is about zero, 07%.
Effects of Global Warming
Impact on Nature

•    Start Unstable Climate
When global warming, absolute sector area of the northern hemisphere may be heating up more than other areas. As a result the mountains ice can melt Period tnam dapatlebih length in the many rooms. Temperature to cold period & hridapat midnight appropriate increase. Warm area will be moist because the more banayak ygmenguap water from the ocean. Humidity high yg would raise rainy weather. Very often, the dapatjadi storm water would more immediately evaporates from the land of yg would mampumengakibatkan the many area so dry. Not only that, the wind can blow toned weather predicted so & & more extreme.
•    Disturbance Ecology
Animals plants so living beings yg hard to avoid the risk of this warming, sebabsebagaian gede land already possessed by humans. In global warming, henwancondong create migrate towards the poles or to the top of the mountains. The plants would change the direction of its growth, seeking new areas because of habitat ever so warm enough. Human development, however, would be able to obstruct the transfer. Species ygbermigrasi North or South to yg deterred by cities or farm-land pertanianbarangkali can die. The many types of species unable to reply in a way serentakberpindah towards the pole chances can be destroyed.
•    An Increase In The Surface Of The Sea
On the day the atmosphere warms up, the surface layer of the sea as well as designate warms up, makavolumenya would dilate & menmbahkan sea level. High sea levels around the world had already risen 10-25 cm (8-10 inches) when 20th century IPCC scientists predict increased & more 9-88cm (4-35inchi) towards the 21st century. High dapatamat sea changes affecting life in coastal menenggewlamkan the banyaknegeri i.c &.
•    The Appropriate Global Temperature Rise
Sector South of Canada, which is a sample could be would benefit from more high rainfall duration period more & planting. On the other hand, agricultural land ropis semi dry in many areas of Africa can not only would grow. Agricultural regions of wilderness yg wear irrigation water from the Mountain snowpack far able to reply menderitaseandainya (the snow) cold period, the reply function which is a natural reservoir, can melt away before the peak period of the growing season months. Food plants of the forest is able to attack & insect disease more & great.

Global Warming Facts

  1. 90% humans causing at least half of the global warming since 1950. From the report of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel of climate change.
  2. the disposal of CO2 around 1000 tons/seconds the air recorded in 2011.
  3. this century was the highest level of CO2 contained in the air in forever 650,000 last year. 11% increase to 1950, while increased up to 40%.
  4. China designing about 40% more CO2 than the United States.
  5. the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide. The United States is responsible for carbon dioxide emissions 20, 91% of the entire world.
  6. Since 1990, there was a 20% increase in Annual carbon dioxide emissions, has increased about 6 billion metric tons worldwide. Almost all of this increase was caused by human activities.
  7. it takes 100 years to break down carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Although emissions stopped today, we will also feel the impact in the years to come.
  8. during the 20th century, the average surface temperature of the globe has increased with 1.2-1.4 ° F '.
  9. contradiction means not only the weather temperature is high. Global warming causes rain and drought are more powerful at the same time all over the world.
  10. sea levels have risen between 4-8 inches all over the world in this century, and experts predict the sea level could rise by as much as 2 metres in a time of 100 years into the future.
  11. The World Health Organization declared 150,000 deaths occur each year is the effect of global warming, including extreme weather, drought, heat waves, reduced food production and increasing the spread of diseases such as malaria.
  12. at least 279 species of plants and animals have been striving for global warming, migrated to the North to avoid an increase temperature.
  13. corals are very sensitive to small changes in water temperature. Scientists say if current trends CO2 emissions continues, the world of coral reefs can be almost destroyed by 2050.
  14. article 900 of climate change published between 1993 to 2003, there is nothing to declare when man is one of the main causes of global warming.
  15. the flight shall be deemed to have an impact on climate change by 3.5 per cent. That number is forecast to reach 15 percent by 2050, together with the increase in air traffic.
  16. If the conditions for the use of paper in China is the same in the United States, then the paper's production should be increased up to 2 times.
  17. climate change could make the price of food increased. For example, the production of california avocado oil is estimated to be down by 40 percent to 40 years. According to the law of Economics, the price will rise.
  18. in the u.s., the manufacture of Compost produces one third of methanol from gas production throughout.
  19. climate change will increase the frequency of mosquito bites. Hot climate makes the residents of Dragonflies and frogs that mosquito-eating animals will be reduced.
  20. refrigerator is 70 percent more efficient than electric refrigerators produced in the 1970s.
  21. wash the furniture packed at once reduce the approximately 45 kilograms of carbon per year from the washing part-part.
  22. a computer with "sleep" State time leaving the spent carbon mengirit nearly 500 kilograms a year rather than allow the screen saver.
  23. coral reefs the great barrier reef will be gone in 20 years. The great barrier reef are very damaged by heat water to be terditeksi within 20 years.
  24. clever and eradication that turns on the role of forests as carbon sinks, thus changing the 30-60% of the forest to grazing field dried up.
  25. clever also makes hurricanes more destructive by raising the sea level, resulting in more serious flood beach.
  26. London Boat sunk will lose in 2100. According to research which suggests that global warming will raise sea levels faster than previously thought. London is one of the world's major capital cities at high risk of flooding.
  27. the animals will shrink. Body size reduction is a global ecological response of global warming.
  28. 2000 Islands in Indonesia will sink. At least 2,000 small islands across the Indonesian Archipelago may vanish by 2030 as a result of excessive mining and other activities that damage the environment. Indonesia has lost 24 17,500 Islands Archipelago in Indonesia.
  29. Polar bear, has some scientists estimate reduced drastically, which has only 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears living in the wild.
  30. on 6 March 2008, a mass of ice covering an area of 414 square kilometres (nearly 1.5 times the size of the city of Surabaya) in Antarctica collapsed.
  31. had to move the first due to the effects of climate change that occurred in 2007 when the 100 residents of Tegua Island in the Pacific Ocean have been evacuated due to rising sea levels and flooding affected.
  32. at the 20th century, Earth experience two Warming trend. The first is an explosion temperature at 1900-1930, and the second is continuous improvement in temperature in the early 1970s.
  33. Arctic Ice will disappear quickly, the scientists believe that the Arctic will experience the summer ice-free first earlier in the year 2040.
  34. between 1961 and 1997, the world's glaciers lost 890 cubic kilometres of ice.
  35. in 1910, glaciers National Park in Montana have 150 glaciers but today there are only 27 glaciers.
  36. The rest of the world is increasing as a result of hotter temperatures. At the end of 2007, Malaysia lost 25% of crop production caused by desertification.
  37. Svante Arrhenius (Sweden), a scientist who realized that in the early years 1896 to human industrial activity already exceed the Earth's capacity to absorb CO2 again.
  38. fossil fuel combustion are adding nearly six billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. Only half the CO2 absorbed by forests and oceans.
  39. the atmosphere of the Earth. It contains about 40% more CO2 than before the start of the Industrial Revolution
  40. The United States represents less than 5% of the world population, but the United States has 25% of the world's commercial energy consumption and caused 22% of industrial production of carbon in the world.
  41. cars lead to 3/4 of all transportation emissions. At the current rate, the world will be inhabited by more than one billion cars by 2030 and another one billion by 2050.
  42. about 75% of the Annual increase in atmospheric CO2 is solely as a result of the combustion of oils.
  43. According to internal energy agency, the world will invest about us $ 20 trillion in new energy research over the next 25 years into the future in an effort to slow down the effects of global warming.
  44. in producing 1 ton of paper, producing about 72.200 liters of liquid waste and solid waste 1 ton.
  45. in producing 1 ton of paper, gas carbon dioxide which is produced of approximately 2.6 tonnes. This amount is the equivalent of the exhaust gases produced cars for 6 months.
  46. once discarded paper, this paper will explain. Terurainya process produces methane paper. And methane is also the cause of global warming. On the other hand methane is 20 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide, the gas in terms of causing an increase in global temperatures.
  47. every hour, the world lost 5 1.732 hectares of forests to described as raw material for paper.
  48. the increase in the Earth's rotation causes small imbalances Earth's stomach contents, can affect the members in some way, for example, of the flood.
  49. Since the first Earth Day in 1970 to the beginning of the new millennium, mankind has achieved an increase in greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 70%.
  50. rain forest does not cover 14% of the Earth's surface. Now only about 6% and according to the predictions of experts remaining rainforests to be used in less than 40 years.

Control Of Global Warming
The control is done in overcoming epek yg do while you perform the steps to prevent the more centralized the climate against the period ahead. Ygsempat able to overcome damage along a variety of tricks, for example:

a. the coast would be protected with walls create a barrier preventing entry of & sea water.
b. the Government of supporting the commune on the coast make move to dutiable areas was higher.
As for two important approaches for trick slows the wickedness of greenhouse gases:

a. Preventing carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by putting the gas or the components of the carbons in another room.
b. Reduce the production of greenhouse gases.

The social and cultural Impact
Weather changes can afford the sea resulted in the emergence of & diseases ygberhubungan with heat & nkematian. The temperature of the hot yg pula would cause unsuccessful harvest then can appear starved & malnutrition. Extreme weather changes yg & increased sea levels due to the melting of Arctic ice is capable of causing disease yg along natural disasters (floods, storms, fires &) & deaths due to trauma. The incidence of natural disasters is generally accompanied by shared transfer of residents to a shelter, where not rarely appear diarrheal disease, malnutrition, micronutrients, difisiensi psychological trauma, skin diseases & etc.
The shift in the ecosystem would give risk against the spread of the disease through the air. As the rising incidence of dengue fever due to the emergence of areas (ecosystems) new utkberkembangbiak. Together with the existence of this climate change, so that the munculah species of vector diseases (EQ. Aedes Agipty). Viruses, bacteria, parasite resistant to drugs so the more specific target organisms i.e. the reply.
outside it's predictable that there are numerous extinct species that could lantaranperubahan ecosystems. Gradations of environmental pollution caused by waste yg terhadapsungai as well as contribute to waterborne diseases & vectors diseases. Plus as well as pollution emissions results of Eve alongside gas-gas factory, unquestionable controlled would contribute to respiratory tract diseases, such as asthma, allergies, coccidiodomicosys, heart disease, chronic lung & & etc.

How to remove Carbon
The trick most lightly to remove carbon dioxide joint is kept the trees more trees planted & does little more especially yg single & immediately.
Carbon dioxide gas can also be eliminated quickly. The way along the gas menyuntikan to create oil wells pushed let petroleum out of the belly of the Earth.
Global warming is the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere generally, sea land &. Penyebabpaling great global warming is risk of greenhouse gases due to human activities greenhouse lewatresiko. Global warming very negative impact for the universe, such as rising sea levels, increasing the intensity of extreme weather phenomena, the change of number of yg & patterns of precipitation, berpengaruhnya agriculture, the loss of glaciers, punahnya various kinds of animal categories, the emergence of numerous diseases &. Global warming was just able to be controlled with tips on addressing the impacts of antecedent posed while you run the precautions, including the following: removing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are planting more trees is not keeping & slightly longer & reduce production of greenhouse gases.
