Contoh Soal Psikotes dan Jenis-Jenis Test | Sample psychological test Questions and other types of Test

Psychological test or better known as a psychological test is a test to measure aspects of the individual psychologically. The test may take the form of written, visual, or verbally teradministrasi the evaluation to measure cognitive and emotional functions. The test can be applied to children and adults. The purpose of the psychological tests were used to measure the various possibilities of various ability mentally and anything that supports it, including achievements and abilities, personality, intelligence, or even neurological function. Application of psychological test can be done in a variety of settings including recruitment within the company, knowing the interests and talents of the child/student, the clinical goal, child development, or design and customization of modules in the training/training.

The goal of making the question psychological test is to describe the personality of a person. It is associated when someone looking for a job, then he made a psychological test which test can be used as a benchmark to assess the specific skills in a job such as precision, creativity and the like. The latest psychological test Navigator desperately needed someone who will take the test of good psychological test to apply for a job or for other purposes such as continuing education, scholarships abroad and so on. Different psychological test with a test exam in General where there are some psychological test in the test module which varies depending on the purpose of the psychological test exam performance. As stated above that psychological test test module is designed to adjust selectors to determine the extent of a person's abilities are tested through psychological test.
an example of a matter of psychological test

Here are some things to note in the lead test solve psychological test.

The Type Of The Type Of Question Psychological Test
Here are various questions based on his Division that you should download and the ability to hone his answers before actually tested.

1. Example of a Reserved Synonym Antonym & psychological test, that test at this session will teach us and hone ingatakan in considering various opposing words and equations said.

2. Example of a matter of psychological test, which tests math Aritmatik the answer is closely connected with the multiplication, Division and so on.

3. An example of a matter of psychological test Sequence numbers, is one of the questions that is able to outwit the do, at this session we must be really serious in giving the answer that either sequence numbers the next.

4. Sample Question psychological test papers, which is a test where the answer is a form of arrangement in accordance with the request. This is a test that you need to really understand how to work.

5. Examples of Reserved psychological test Logic Logic Formyl & Figures, is a collection of questions that logic, if a logic problem we a little low then enlarge it with practice opportunities continuously.

6. An example of a matter of psychological test to draw, this is the session to test the answer later shows character each of us all.

7. An example of a matter of psychological test Prime relationship, is a question of details that provide the biggest challenge where all the answers is to be connected or related to each other.

8. Examples the question psychological test Wartegg test image, the same as just that, at this session the picture is a picture that has not been resolved.

Generally differentiated according to the type of test Psikotest personalities are:

Graphic personality test is a test that assesses a person's personality based on drawings he had made. Graphic includes a personality test: Test Wartegg Test, DAP (Draw A Person), Test and Test HTP Tree Baum (House Tree Person).
The personality questionnaire test is a test that assesses a person's personality based on his chosen answers to a number of questions asked (questionnaire). Personality test questionnaire include: Test the effectiveness of the Enneagram Test, Self Test, MBTI Test, EPPS, test Accuracy, test MAPP, test Papers, test scale of the ripeness of Pauli (TSK), tests a test Potential of cooperation and success.

Some kind of Test and its purpose:
Personality test Baum (Tree Test) aims to assess a person's character and personality by means of analyzing tree pictures created by the test-taker
Personality test DAP (to draw people) aims to assess the character and personality of a person by way of analyzing the images of people who dibuatoleh participants in the test.
Test the effectiveness of Personality Themselves aimed at knowing how effective (fast & right) a person in performing duties and in solving various difficult situations.
Personality the Enneagram Personality test aims to find out a person's personality type are divided into 9 types, by way of presenting a number of specific questions.
Personality test EPPS aims at knowing the types of motivation, one's personal needs and preferences by way of presenting a number of specific questions.

Personality test HTP (House Tree Person) aims to assess the character and personality of a person by way of analyzing the image home, tree pictures and images created by participants in the test.
MBTI Personality test aims to find out a person's personality type in its environment by presenting a number of specific questions.
Accuracy of Personality test aims to measure the level of accuracy or precision of someone in the process data in the form of numbers, words, or a combination of both.
Personality tests aim to measure the preference option MAPP someone in various things especially closely related to the world of work or professional work.
Pauli Kraepplin personality test aims to measure one's character on some particular aspect, the aspect of perseverance (endurance), aspects of the will or the will of the individual, the emotions, the adaptability and the stability aspect of himself in him doing the counting of the figures in a long series.
Scale of the ripeness of Personality test aims to measure the level of maturity (maturity of attitude) someone in the Act with respect to a particular situation.
Teamwork Test or Personality test test is a test that aims to measure a person's ability to work within a team to achieve the goal of a solid joint.
Personality tests aim to detect Successful Trend tendency on someone to become successful people based on certain factors that exist on him.
Personality test WARTEGG aims to explore (examines personality traits someone), especially in terms of emotions, imagination, dynamism, and reality control function, which are owned by someone based on 8 kinds of drawings he had made.

Easy Tips To Pass A Matter Of Psychological Test
Before I give an example of a matter of psychological test in full, I will give you a little tip for you, so you can pass the psychological test questions given by officers of the testers.

Before following the psychological test you should be well-rested. Don't sleep too late in the evening. Squeeze yourself to consume meals before following psychological test. Because your concentration will be disrupted if the current working on a matter of psychological test your stomach growls. Anyway you should be healthy physically and mentally so you ' combat ready '.
The provision follows the psychological test, training your brain with membaca-baca books about PowerPoint psychological test. Learn the techniques to do it properly. You could also ask your friend who never followed the psychological test.
Listen to instructions or commands work the problem carefully. Also note examples of reserved psychological test given. Don't even ignore the instruction, because the way you answered question subject to the instructions given. For example, for the question of drawing, you generally are prohibited from drawing the coconut palms and Banyan trees. Then obey these instructions.
Don't forget, write your name on the paper with a clear answer. Usually accompanied with the date and number of participants. Because there are also tables that forgot to write down the name was so ardently working on the problem. Once you forget the every you.
Note the allotted time given to complete a psychological test questions. Do not let your late work and complete answers. Try to keep all questions were answered to a psychological test is given out.
If you have completed answers, while the remaining time to work on, make the most of your time to correct your answer. Make sure that the answer you give is the most appropriate answer.

After learning some of these things, then I am going to share some examples of reserved psychological test as a workout for you.
