Artikel Bahasa Inggris dan Contohnya

Artikel Bahasa Inggris. Postingan ini berisi beberapa contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar, mari kita simak bersama :
(1) Contoh Pertama
Understand healthy according to
The definition of healthy (WHO)
"Health is a State of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

According to WHO, there are three important component which is a healthy number of units in the definition are:
1. physically healthy
Physically healthy is an important component in a healthy person the whole meaning, in the form of human figures, eyes shining skin clean, neat, neat hair dressing tersisir, muscle, not fat, not the smell of breath, good appetite, sleep, physiological functions and the entire body is running as usual.
2. mentally healthy
Healthy mentally and physically healthy is always connected to each other in the ancient adage "healthy soul in a healthy body" (download it there in Corpore Sano) ".
The characteristics of an employee who has been healthy mentally is as follows:
a. always feel satisfied with what at him, never regret and love towards her, always happy, relaxed and fun and there are no signs of psychological conflict.
b. can get along well and able to take criticism and not easily offended and angry, always understanding and tolerance of other people's emotional needs.
c. be able to control yourself and not easy emotionally and is not easily scared, jealous, resentful and facing and resolving issues at the same time and smart.

3. Welfare Services
Welfare constraints found in any place or country and very difficult to measure depending on culture, the culture and the level of prosperity of the local community. In terms of social welfare, more real life is in the form of feeling secure peaceful and prosperous, enough food, clothes and Board of Directors. Healthy community life, community life and always appreciate the other's interest as well as the general public.

4. spiritual health
An additional component is spiritual in the definition by the WHO and has an important meaning in the everyday life of society. The needs of each individual so that formal education or informal opportunities for holidays, listen to songs and music, spiritual discourses such as spray and other religions in order to balance the dynamic soul and not boring.
The fourth component is known as a healthy positive or referred to as "positive Health" because it is more realistic compared with the definition of WHO that's simply without.

(2) Contoh Kedua
How to increase sperm production?
Most women will feel happy if their respective male Lover that can produce large amounts of sperm with time sex with him. Some men also will feel proud and more confident if he can give a maximum of sperm he loves the woman. It is increasingly clear that a man's sperm production will affect the sexual life. Real profit with a high number of sperm is to enlarge further the possibilities for sowing their eggs.

If your sperm production are considered to be still less or maybe low levels of production, then remember sperm production can be increased. In order to increase the amount of sperm production can be done in various ways. Below follows some way you have to do in order for the amount of the increase in your sperm production.

1. take a shower or a bath with cold water
Why cold water? The temperature of the hot water that you commonly use to mean temperature above bath streamline your body. Sperm is in your body cannot live in a State of the environment. Hot water can lower sperm count because of the hostile environment to the Bundesliga. Therefore bathing and heated in cold water only so that the amount of sperm you haven't experienced decreases.

2. avoid the use of alcohol and drugs
In addition to having a bad effect for the body in General, this turns out to be the use of materials can also reduce the use of the semen of men. Alcohol or drugs are substances that can kill 50 per cent the amount of sperm you.

3. replace the panties
Wear underwear that is too tight cause lower sperm count. Tight underwear will make the temperature around your genitals into high lebig. Your temperature can kill sperm. Therefore, Change your wearing panties or tight Berdan with a looser. Or even if you want to not wear panties. This can be when you sleep.

4. exercise to lose weight
According to research, fat men have lower sperm counts than men with normal weight. Therefore, exercise to lose weight. Of course if you have more weight.
(3) Contoh Ketiga
Indonesian Language, Important Is?
Today, if we look at the leaders in Malaysia addressed, most of the styles of their language is almost similar to the style of talking to leaders in Indonesia. Moreover, if we take the example figure Anwar Ibrahim. The style of his speech was almost indistinguishable in style people Indonesia. Even if I look at the style of speech of the people of Indonesia thus getting worse. In a speech to the official vocabulary instruction of an awful lot of United Kingdom or term keinggris-inggrisan.

Another interesting phenomenon observed is that the more eastward then the language Indonesia eastern Indonesia area residents such as Maluku, New Guinea is thus better than the inhabitants of Indonesia living in the Western region. Indonesian Language they are purely derived from text books and is a formal language used daily.

Our people in the area generally do not understand the speeches delivered by the people of Jakarta. For example, to say that the argument presented by Mr. Minister does not contain shades that are aspirational and is not solutif. It's supposed to mean what? Not necessarily people we understand. But that's what happened in the western part of Indonesia especially close to Jakarta.

Is this a symptom of perdulian Indonesia language on our nation? In fact there also. As is the case with other languages in the world, Indonesia is also very heavily constrained by the language of the United Kingdom. I learned that when many of us own still covered many issues, suddenly we're stuck with the compulsion to use the language of Indonesia where a great many terms that have not been identified or compared. Our younger generation growing up under the influence of the language of the United Kingdom. As a result, in a world of fast paced communication, when they are required to communicate in the context of language Indonesia, they often don't have time to think because the Treasury doesn't have enough Indonesia language. Finally came a hodgepodge of languages. The easiest example is, a great many of us who can't tell the difference between the issue and problem. But something that is problematic doesn't mean an issue.

The younger generation should realize the importance of mastering the language of Indonesia is good and correct. Especially if they became political figures, then of their inability to speak in Indonesia would cause mental gap and the gap with the people of Indonesia. Make this person speak what people in their area that he calls the language of jakarta – because they do not understand. Why be careful.

As leader of the SHORT BTPN (Bank Savings of retirees Nationwide) I often come down to the affected areas in Indonesia. Often I have to talk with local residents who value their loans only 5 million dollars with Indonesia is not only a good and right but should also be more slowly so that they understand. It is not possible I use the term collateral or credit worthiness with them.

I was shocked as hell when I helped the Governor of Aceh, North Aceh in Indonesia language it turns out I am not understood by t 
